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Writer's pictureMorris Pentel

Emotionally engaged customers - Your biggest risk

This is part 4 of measuring customer emotions series of extracts

*Emotion-Scores (e-scores for short) are a CXFO.Org emotion measurement tool

In the last extract I talked about the customers who are not really fans and with whom you don't have a strong emotional connection. Today I want to talk about the customers who are engaged.

Engaged Customers are your largest commercial risk.

Ironically we want engaged customers but they are dangerous. The reason is simple, because they are emotionally engaged they are an emotional state of movement or excitement if you prefer. If things go wrong then there is always a larger impact. If you think about it in your personal life the more engaged you are with someone the faster the relationship moves through events. If things go wrong they go wrong bigger and faster because they mean more.

The bigger the emotional crash.....the larger the cost in cash

Engaged customers

We want to start as simply as we can and go back to Basic E-Scale from the principal of emotional engagement we defined in the rough guide.

A Zero state

1 - Happy or sad or don’t care - it has no impact..

2 - Very happy or sad – it might have an impact

3 - Happy or sad to the point where it impacts today

4 - Happy or sad to the point where it impacts more than today

5 - Happy or sad to the point where I am no longer in control of the now

It's a very general term set structure for several reasons that would make this an even longer article so for the moment please accept that these definitions come after a great deal of behavioural research and consultation and I will defend then right up until the time someone comes up with a better system which I will welcome.

Customers - 3 Do care

"You won’t believe what happened to me"


Theoretically your largest active group

Theoretically your largest group with highest probability of positive outcome from intervention – biggest bang per buck in short term activities

Easier to interact with - 3s are active therefore more open to change

More interactive and likely to offer their opinion, both offline and online.

Will take action without prompting but will be stimulated by events or contact


Might engage in ‘customer work or sabotage’ - good or bad.


They are firm in their opinion to the extent of it being reasonable because it is important

Engaged in a quieter way and less keen to make this visible

Not necessarily a larger group than 4 and 5 .

+ Will do customer work* around much larger peaks of engagement and around organisations social engagement

- will be strongly negative is they have made their decision about you. However if converted likely to become a +4


Competitors targeting, to identify dissatisfaction and try to win over.

Can slip down scale or churn if an offer doesn’t meet their expectation.

Engaged but not loyal

High impact on some statistical models leads to poor strategy often


Active support for 3’s although initially they may not appear to need it.

Adjust you statistical model - – elicited views are not representative of whole base in any way. They are a good insight to process

Build ways to engage more

Identify risk areas in the customer journey, to avoid any decline. May need to move from passive to active during customer journeys Reduce unnecessary contact.


"I have a strong opinion that’s important to me"


This relationship with you is part of who they currently are and how they define themselves

Highly motivated

States present a level of ‘cognitive dissonance’.

Actively engaged in customer work or brand sabotage.

Willing to publicly express their feelings.

Extrovert personality traits or extreme experience impact

4s have a higher expectation of an emotional response from the organisation than 3s.


+ spend money and create brand momentum They will tolerate occasional lapses of service or poor CX because of the higher stakes in relationship

- 4s will expect a consistently poor CX and create additional cost in all contact situations

Your first step with a -4 will be to manage the mood at the start of each experience

Trust is a key element of these states.


This state has higher risks of change and higher impacts when the change occurs.

The 4 state is likely to be both unstable and higher inherent risks of volatile active states

Financial. Higher Risks and rewards



An organisations ability to organise the resource to meet this higher stakes situation is reputational risk

States present a level of ‘cognitive dissonance’.


3's and 4's are the easiest to deal with if you have emotionally relevant strategies to deal with them.

They are the most valuable in terms of insight and social leadership in developing communities and creating substance from what you say to who you are and what you do.

These 2 groups are responsible for your social identity good and bad so that is the value of your brand and a range of other things. They are the key your ability to innovate and adapt.

Although normally less transactionally relevant than other groups they have the largest impact on your share value and ROI.

Next time I will talk about the last group......of love and hate and those who exist in state 5.

Till then thanks for all the feedback


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