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Writer's pictureMorris Pentel

How to create a customer emotion model in an hour or less

​​I want to apologise for those waiting for my book....we have had to take it down for technical improvements (which is internal slang for Morris screwed up and it will take weeks to fix). It will be back as soon as possible!

By way of compensation here is an extract from chapter 1 of Measuring Customer Emotions (the textbook from training courses) click for details

How do you build a customer emotion model?

Q - Is there is a way to do it in less than an hour?

A - I am going to give you everything you need.

Step 1 - Lets pick an easy thing to build an emotional model about. Something frequent and easy for everyone to understand. The most common social event is hello - how are you? So we are going to build an emotional model of the answer to the question how are you?

What answer do you expect?

Our average daily experience as the centre of a scale by which we measure all of our experience defined by "OK". All conversation is based around the concept of normal because we talk about change and new experiences Its at the centre of descriptive language. "Interesting" conversation is often about when things are better or worse than ok.

Step 2 - Take the first template below and use it to ask people to say how they are in words and to place those words on the template. So I might say I am ok and score myself in one of the boxes. You can do this with colleagues on using basic tools such as survey monkey and there are different versions of the same question for other channels (text BOT, IVR, in app etc.)

(I have used our e-score scale which is free to use but you can create one of your own. Our scale is specially designed to address the quantum nature of experience but you can just make something up....because it is better than nothing!)

We can collect words from as many sources as we can;

Personas - Different customer/stakeholders types

Social Media sentiment

Inbound Contact

Survey Data

Focus Groups

Data Analytics Engines

Staff feedback

Next we can even use pictures to help us understand these emotional states.

This helps to build our common understanding which helps sharpen our definitions.

Step 3 - We turn it into data. This involves a simple process of moving the staff from the template into a spreadsheet.

That then produces scores that you can now export with the words into AI platforms and creates insights that you can use across every experience.

You can create emotional reports, add emotion to your customer journeys and complex value dilemmas like "why do less comfortable ladies shoes cost more!" Something that Newtonian Science has struggled with for years.

Now I am not saying that you can do all of this in an hour but you could do build the first step and test it. It relies on what you can see as real experience. It is the key to emotional scoring.

Later you can move on to collecting an emotional picture of an event that involves an experience you deliver and see how close to the baseline score you get when you ask how are you.

You can try this little project and let me know what happens. I would like you to send me the excel of all the different ways people answer the question.....and we will publish an e-score file.

Next time I will tell about the 11 states of emotion and how you can use them to

organise your information about emotion.


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