Today we are launching
Training so I thought I would write about it. Our first product is the short course How are you?
Part 1 is called How Are You?
There are 4 parts:
Understand how we think about emotions
Convert emotions to words
Convert emotions to numbers
Build our first Emotion Dashboard
Watch the Movie
Download the slides and templates
Join the Forum
and a money back guarantee!
Its a simple approach to managing the emotional part of customer relationships.
Anyway......You can learn how to measure Customer Emotions based on proven Behavioural Science through our website.
​Measuring Customer Emotion
This is a six part on-line course covering:
Basic principals of measuring emotions
Asking emotionally designed questions
Scoring emotions and calibrating them
Measuring Emotion in your customer Journey
Connecting scores to your other metrics
Running a project
Each part comprises videos and slides. You can then join a discussion group. It's a practical how to guide with downloadable content to get your project going.