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What is the e-score outcome model?

The system will accurately calibrate the difference in value of different experiences. 

You can describe any feeling. Satisfaction, effort, loyalty, anger, engagement, what ever is important to you.  You can use your best and worst examples to calibrate and to develop best practice. 


AI is now accessible to behaviouralists and it is now possible to analyse the micro-moments of experience....if you have a model that can tell you 3 things: 


Is it true [On/Off]

Does it matter [Active / Passive]

How much [Degree]

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How I felt when..... or How I will feel when, because that's the way the internal model of the mind calcutales

 and we communicate with each other like this so it is much more accurate n translating experience information into data


Our model of the world in all cultures is based around the idea ok. Our first thoughts are about how ok we feel when we wake up.


Things are more than ok less than ok. OK = 0 in maths not 1 - 10.  What is a perfect the more we make or questions more compatible with the way people think the higher the probability you will get more constructive results providing actionable insight that is easy to understand.

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