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Important - All feelings depend on importance as well as strength


its instrumental purpose (use value).

A torch, lights; a knife cuts. A friend helps fire warms


its value of detail within a system of objects.


A particular pen may, while having no added functional benefit, signify prestige relative to another pen; a diamond ring may have no function at all, but may suggest particular social values, such as taste or class.


its economic value.

One carving knife may be worth three fish knives; and one torch maybe worth 500 matches or one sheep etc. Both are different exchange values.



For context we have translated that into values by which feeling can describe any experience object on an ok centred scale


a value that a subject assigns to an object in relation to another subject


(i.e., between a giver and receiver).

A pen might symbolise a student's school graduation gift or a commencement speaker's gift; or a diamond may be a symbol of publicly declared marital love.



Values are ones that you share with customers or not!


Non Negotiable



Values are ones that you share with customers or not!


Non Negotiable

These are the items that customers care about your behaviour


- They paint a target on your back because they are non-negotiable

How do you behave?


It defines respect honour trust exploited engaged.  Trust and behaviour are part of that symbolic relationship but they are at core when active


In early 2018 sexual behaviour equal pay data exploitation, environmental impact, supply chain integrity, and community engagement, are all non negotiable as are a range of other core values issues.



its economic value.

One carving knife may be worth three fish knives; and one torch maybe worth 500 matches or one sheep etc. Both are different exchange values.

There is a question about the role of behavioural economics in the exchange value. If I am buying then I am in some way being biased in behavioural terms.


There is no simple guidance on this but I provide examples. The most obvious behaviour thread to take is the “How did it make you feel?” – Like you got a good deal!


In general all other elements form part of the exchange value.

Exchange is at the heart of trade – 1 Carving knife may be worth 3 fish knives.



But it is also touched by a range of metrics  across the enterprise but also by some less obvious concepts


Exchange includes product trade offs. This could be the internal trade off’s the customer makes between different models or choices.


E.G. The model 3 is slower but it carries more stuff or I want to get a car big enough for my family but I also want it to feel sporty!


It could also be the trade off between short term revenue and long term good will.


its instrumental purpose (use value).

A torch, lights; a knife cuts. A friend helps, fire warms

Function is a concept that is touched by a range of metrics  across the enterprise.


Customer Effort is a function as is User Interface, Customer Service channels and processes,


Features, Features v Price, Cost of Ownership, etc.

Temporal value (Timeliness) is a big functional value and is scored on its own separate scale.


It might include connectivity to other products and services within and outside your control, access limitations, aspects of price (such as I just want something cheap because I am only going to use this once!).


There are a number of challenges. Where  there is a complex proposition in which functions or other elements of value apply to a larger picture or situation.  



a value that a subject assigns to an object in relation to another subject


(i.e., between a giver and receiver).

A pen might symbolise a student's school graduation gift or a commencement speaker's gift; or a diamond may be a symbol of publicly declared marital love.

Symbolic is the value people lie about most  – because it is a deal breaker. It is probably the most complex value set.


This is about trust and relationship. I value it because my daughter gave it to me or it was the first big thing I brought when…. it’s also about my trust in your brand.

Most large-scale consumer organisations tend to market this special relationship with their customers too much! Customers don’t believe it so it is counterproductive. The idea that “we think of you as special and really, really care about you is something we all know is a joke – but its at the heart of a lot of advertising spending. We know it about all the other companies that we personally do business with.


Other symbolic values are life stages, Moments of Truth are all firmly based in the behaviour mechanics. These all come with different levels of Customer Experience Risk, Complexity, etc..


The biggest part of Symbolic Value is “how you make me feel?” in my personal journey now, later and onward. What do you mean to me within my core values?



its value of detail within a system of objects.


A particular pen may, while having no added functional benefit, signify prestige relative to another pen; a diamond ring may have no function at all, but may suggest particular social values, such as taste or class.

Sign is exquisite nature of detail – what people talk about at parties why one thing is better than the other.


This is about model 3 and the model 3 plus that means you will pay more for it. This is about what we like and think is cool! 

Most large-scale consumer organisations tend to market this special relationship with their customers too much! Customers don’t believe it so it is counterproductive. The idea that “we think of you as special and really, really care about you is something we all know is a joke – but its at the heart of a lot of advertising spending. We know it about all the other companies that we personally do business with.


Other symbolic values are life stages, Moments of Truth are all firmly based in the behaviour mechanics. These all come with different levels of Customer Experience Risk, Complexity, etc..


The biggest part of Symbolic Value is “how you make me feel?” in my personal journey now, later and onward. What do you mean to me within my core values?


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