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Writer's pictureMorris Pentel

Be nice to you

Today's tip is about being silly for 5 minutes. This is about being nice to you. Spend 5 minutes making you laugh.

If you have been following my short series about better habits this is Day 3.

Day 1 was when I said that sharing a little kindness with someone would make you feel better.

On Day 2 I talked about staying in touch.

Personally I spent a few minutes doing face exercises to music while wearing my diving mask. I don't know why doing face movements to the cha cha cha in a diving mask made me laugh yesterday but it did. Today it will be something else...I will find something to make me laugh.

I have now given you 3 new habits to help to give you a positive start. If you follow them and make up your own happy habits you will improve your daily quality of life.

Tomorrow find out what's the point of all of this? Endorphins!

I want to talk briefly about the news that China is now seeing the opportunity to reduce some restrictions in Wuhan. We in Europe and the Americas are still early in the pandemic so China is starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. There will be many false dawns ahead and the daily dose of heart breaking news but humans are starting to win the war and ultimately we will prevail.

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