Customer Emotion Analysis Course
Scientists say that emotions drive all our decisions even the rational ones - they are right!
Practitioners say that Customer Emotions is too difficult to understand and to work with - they are wrong.

Our most popular course is back! Learn how to manage customer emotions within your organisation. A course that helps you turn emotions into mission-critical tools. Learn how to apply human behaviour to business processes.
From about the age of 5, the average person develops a sense of emotional "affect" that increases with time. By the time you are 9, you can tell if someone has been crying by the tone of their voice and each year your understanding increases, through puberty and beyond. As an adult, you have the ability to register a large amount of emotional data. Enough data to have the ability to understand a social network and what is going on.
Most companies are not even as emotionally attuned as a family pet.
Level 1 Managing Customer Emotions teaches you the science of how to manage emotions in your customer experiences. How to reduce costs and improve sales through emotions.
This course is the first of four levels
1 - Emotions March 18th CCXPO Day The first session will be from outside this major event in the UK - if it occurs.
2 - Conversations April 9th
3 - Habits 4th June
4 - Experiences 8th Sept
These are designed to provide you with the tools needed to design or manage experience as a science. The London School of Customer Experience is proud to announce...
XIC Level 1 Managing Customer Emotions is now open and it's going digital.
Learn a practical way to score emotions within your customer experiences.
Work at your own pace
8 hours of tutorial materials
8 hours of assignments
Practical skill and Recognised Professional Qualification
This course provides you with the foundations needed to start managing emotions. Starting with the basic principles of how to analyse what is said in a conversation to how to build a plan to improve it. Look at the picture at the top of the page - why is it wrong?