Important - All feelings depend on importance as well as strength
TOO LATE - Loss of control
More than
Unhappy Dissatisfied Displeased Disengaged Uninvolved Hard horrible terrible pathetic predictable sick perverted wrong perverted distasteful unacceptable
This is a moment of passion that changes your life...we all have them.
This is about shouting at people, litigation the unfair treatment of people and the abuse of my trust and my data. It is common for a social media storm about failing to meet core values that creates more than states (Facebook, United, Starbuck and the rest European Tax etc. etc.)
But they are only moments!
Got one in mind?
Both states present a level of ‘cognitive dissonance’.
High level of empathy required to manage either extreme
The risk and impact of losing a +5 is significantly higher. However, the output of customer work possible in this state is very powerful and attractive to people in more passive states.
The negative state inherently carries the risk of a social media nightmare, because in general people are empathetic and will respond to active distress.
The effort and empathy required to alter a -5 may be too great/costly.
-5s can be turned around, sometimes with startlingly positive results.
A heightened state of awareness and an ability to react quickly to changes in state should be considered vital
Characteristics/ Behaviours
A heightened state of love or hate with everything that entails
A 5 emotional state is one that is now actively being driven by that feeling to exclusion of common sense.
Customers may move to -5 or +5 but cannot sustain this.
An unstable transitional state.
+5s are ‘passionate advocates’: -5s are ‘passionate antagonists’. Both states are characterised as highly active and temporarily consuming. This is the triumph of emotion over logic and can be demonstrated through laughter and tears.