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Important - All feelings depend on importance as well as strength


Trusted enjoyed cared for with high emotional value


Very Very

Happy satisfied pleased engaged involved easy fun exciting powerful surprised memorable slick cool hot amazed


This is a person or thing that you actively care about. It is part of your daily life for the long term.  It may be like a partner, a family member, a pet or something you rely on every day that gives you a sense of community or that one object you would rescue from the fire. 


It is something you are happy for people to know about you and it brings you joy!

Got one in mind?

Active Customers


Theoretically your largest active group

Theoretically your largest group with highest probability of positive outcome from intervention – biggest bang per buck in short term activities and largest cost.


Easier to interact with - 3s are active  therefore more open to change

More interactive and likely to offer their opinion, both offline and online.

Will take action without prompting but will be stimulated by events or contact. The other 2 active states are more explosive

3 > 4

I know

I Care or both!


The largest actively communicating group of customers for most brands



This relationship with you is part of who they currently are and how they define themselves

Highly motivated

States present a level of ‘cognitive dissonance’.

Actively engaged in customer work or brand sabotage.

Willing to publicly express their feelings.

Extrovert personality traits or extreme experience impact

4s have a higher expectation of an emotional response from the organisation than 3s.


+ spend money and create brand momentum They will tolerate occasional lapses of service or poor CX because of the higher stakes in relationship


- 4s will expect a consistently poor CX and create additional cost in all contact situations

Your first step with a -4 will be to manage the mood at the HAY* stage

Trust is a key element of these states.



This state has higher risks of change and higher impacts when the change occurs.


The 4 state is likely to be both unstable and higher inherent risks of volatile active states

Financial.  Higher Risks and rewards



An organisations ability to organise the resource to meet this higher stakes situation is reputational risk

States present a level of ‘cognitive dissonance’.


My feeling based on my work over the last 5 years is that a -4 will cost you 4  or 5 or 10 times the effort  and cost and what ever that multiple is can be identified within your existing ROI Cost per Sale Lifetime Value and other metrics. I think -4’s cost more than +4’s generate….if that makes sense

This is a Customer Experience Services Ltd website


for more information contact 5 Brayford Square London E1 0SG

You can use the chat button to talk to someone if available, or pop us an email here 

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