Important - All feelings depend on importance as well as strength
MOST CUSTOMERS….are in this group for most products and services
They really don’t care enough to engage
Statistically the largest group of customers for most organisations
Hard to gain participation except as part of a bigger exercise.
Don’t answer surveys or talk your brand.
This is the group that decides the financial health of most organisations
This is when there maybe an extremely low emotional engagement and the actual experience is the defining factor in a decision.
This group have a dissociative relationship with your organisation* where CX alone can change outcome
A large proportion of your customers decision is made in circumstances when customers don’t care
Part of the group
Don’t Know
Don’t Care or both!
The largest group of customers for most brands
Competitors targeting, to identify dissatisfaction or lack of engagement through offers
Can slip down scale or churn if an offer doesn’t meet their expectation.
Low engagement – Low loyalty
Requires active marketing to maintain a steady state, to prevent a negative slide and churn.
If you want to engage with them you have to bring something more than “I want to ask you questions” to an experience.