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CXFO is an  independent global network of recognised experts


We are the most respected Customer Experience Organisation in the world connected to experts in 20 countries.


Our mission is to improve Customer Experience.


Customer Experience is a broad discipline cover thousands of different expertise at different skill levels. With so many different choices and voices we help clients with confidential independent recommendations they can trust.


Worldwide CXFO is trusted by:

60 Banks

(including 17 /25 Largest Banks)

9/25 Largest Retailers

10/10 Largest Telco & Mobile Operators

4/ 20 Largest organisations

3/10 Largest Logistics

3/5 Largest Insurers

10 Government Departments (Including UK)


Our expert panels are all thoroughly researched and known by at least 5 other members before being allowed to practice through the network and then they are supervised by a sponsor. With senior members who have shaped the experience of every customer.


We make it easy for you to connect with the best practitioners, academics, and experts to meet your goals



We offer a range of membership options.




Organisations and Corporations



Full details for 2018 available January.


CX Engineering

We can help you to design a programme to transform your customer experience. From the behaviour through to the latest technology we can build the best team to help you delivery your experience. We can design a behavioural change, build a bot or just help you become more socialiable



From Customer Journey Mapping to Voice of the Customer Scoring, Business Cases to Digital Transformation we offer a wide range of training options where we have verified quality


We have provided more than 10,000 places to to the worlds largest organisations over the last 10 years


a Foundation organised like a social network

The CXFO allows you to connect to a range of experts so you can build a tactical resource or an industry board of advisers.

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